Resources for Educators and Trainers

Post-Secondary Teacher's Guide

The Art of Managing Your Career's Post-Secondary Teacher's Guide was developed for teachers at the college and university level and for use by professional associations. The document, designed for artists from all disciplines, includes 16 modules and numerous handouts. It focuses on giving working artists the confidence and knowledge to successfully manage their career or business in the cultural sector.

Based on adult education principles, the modules are highly participative and provide opportunities to practice and use skills and competencies essential to career self-management.

The Art of Managing Your Career - Post-Secondary Teacher's Guide

The Art of Managing Your Career - Post-Secondary Teacher's Guide

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Overview of chapters:

Module 1. Do I have what it takes (I)?

Module 2. Do I have what it takes (II)?

Module 3. Sharing what you know

Module 4. Presenting… yourself!

Module 5. Promotion & publicity

Module 6. Networking: Face-to-face & online

Module 7. Research

Module 8. Action planning

Module 9. Marketing planning

Module 10. Financial planning

Module 11. Financial management

Module 12. Bookkeeping

Module 13. Negotiating

Module 14. Legal issues

Module 15. Putting it together

Module 16. Keeping the momentum going