Background |

Visual Arts and Crafts
The CHRC has always had an emphasis on self-employed artists. The self-employment rate in Canada 's cultural labour force (at 21%) is almost three times higher than the rate in the overall labour force (at 8%). Among painters, sculptors and other visual artists the number of self-employed is at 67%; among artisans and crafts persons, 50% are self-employed.
With these statistics in mind, CHRC has developed certain materials to assist the self-employed visual artists and crafts person. These are featured on this mini site:
The Art of Managing Your Career (with discipline enhancements for visual artists and crafts people)
Export Marketing of Cultural Goods and Services
The mini site also has a link to The Mind's Eye – Careers in Visual Arts and Crafts book for the visual arts and crafts, complete with voice testimonials of practising artists.
Table of Contents
Course Content
CHRC's Role
CHRC hopes you will find these tools to be helpful in organizing and running the business side of your life as an artist.
The Art of Managing Your Career - learn about business plans, self-promotion, project management, financial management and legal issues for the self-employed.
Export Marketing of Cultural Products and Services - learn how to take advantage of the global market.
Fine Print:
The Cultural Human Resources Council hopes you will find the information helpful and easy to use, but provides the information “as is”, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding it. CHRC disclaims all liability of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use of, or inability to use, this information.