Competency Charts and Profiles |

Live Performing Arts
Thousands of Canadian creators, performers and technical workers work in the Live Performing Arts - in theatre, dance, music and opera. They are highly skilled, often highly educated, and for the most part self-employed. Their work is directly affected by the rapid changes in technology and in demographics that are sweeping over western society. They are also challenged by globalization which has expanded the market place, increasing both competition and opportunities.
The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) is working with artists and cultural workers and their professional associations, organizations and unions across the country to identify their training needs in this rapidly evolving environment. Working with expert Theatre Technicians, for example, CHRC is developing tools to support them in identifying their skills and the skills they need in their jobs. In many cases, this work is groundbreaking, articulating the professional profile of those involved in the Live Performing Arts.
This site contains the following tools to help those working in live performing arts identify their training gaps and their skills:
- Competency Chart and Profile for Automation Technicians
- Competency Chart and Profile for Entertainment Riggers
- Competency Chart and Profile for General Stage Technicians (Stage Hands)
- Competency Chart and Profile for Presenters
This site also contains research that identifies training needs and training offerings for specific occupations:
- Automation Technicians Training Gaps Analysis
- Entertainment Riggers Training Gaps Analysis
- General Stage Technicians (Stage Hands) Training Gaps Analysis
- Presenters Training Gaps Analysis
This site is for those working in and with Live Performing Arts. If you're interested in learning more about career options in Live Performing Arts, take a look at Careers in Culture Online: Careers in the Live Performing Arts.
Table of Contents
CHRC's Role
The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to strengthening Canada 's cultural workforce and improving the HR environment within the cultural sector. One of the areas where CHRC is devoting a lot of time and energy is in the Live Performing Arts.
For example, professional technical workers in the Live Performing Arts from around the country with a wealth of experience and knowledge have developed several competency charts and profiles for occupations in their business; to assist their colleagues in identifying their skills and training needs. A similar exercise was carried out for Presenters.
The Cultural Human Resources Council strives to be at the centre of vision and forward thinking in the areas of cultural human resources development. We hope that these online resources will help you to achieve your professional goals, by providing a map of the skills and training you need to find success in your chosen field.
These tools can be used to:
- Address gaps in formal education and training that exist in the given occupations
- Increase understanding of the broad roles that the cultural workers in the occupations play within cultural, educational and economic sectors
- Provide a reliable self-assessment tool for cultural workers, educators, artists, organizations and government to use for their own specific needs
This online resource is designed to help you achieve your professional goal, by providing a map of the training needed to find success in your chosen field.
Fine Print
The Cultural Human Resources Council hopes you will find the information helpful and easy to use, but provides the information "as is", and makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding it. CHRC disclaims all liability of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use of, or inability to use, this information.