Cultural Human Resources Council


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How To Join

Join the Cultural Human Resources Council and ensure your voice is heard on HR issues of importance to you. Your membership will assist CHRC in supporting its mandate to "initiate, coordinate and promote human resources planning, management, development and training in the cultural sector".

CHRC plays an invaluable role in the development of leading-edge HR reference material and tools. Its members have the advantage of accessing current and unique resources relevant to their needs.

To become a member, fill out and submit the membership form.

Benefits to Members

 Organisation Plus
  $100 to $300?
General benefits
25% discount on productsYesYesYes
25% discount on job postings ?YesYesNo
Voting privilege ?YesYesYes
50% discount on product licenses (Organisation Plus get 1 free license) ?YesYesNo
Affiliate membership for your members ?YesNoNo
Recognition on CHRC web site featuring a brief write up and your organisation's logo.YesNoNo
Electronic documents
The Art of Managing Your Career (AMYC) ?
+ 1 Discipline enhancement?
Revised HR Management Toolkit at 50% discount ?YesYesNo
Careers in Culture – (6 digital booklets) ?YesYesYes
Careers in Culture – Teacher’s Activities KitYesYesNo
Competency Charts and Profiles (24) ?YesYesYes
Training Gaps Analyses (22) ?YesYesYes

Membership Form

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Organisation Members

CHRC is proud of the diversity of its organisation members - they come from all over Canada and every cultural sub-sector, demonstrating the depth and reach of the Council in addressing human resource issues. Look at the list below of CHRC's organisation members by sub-sector yourself.

Organisation Plus Members

ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) is the union of more than 21,000 professional performers working in English-language recorded media in Canada including TV, film, radio and digital media. Its principal role is to negotiate, administer and enforce collective agreements to provide performers with equitable compensation as well as safe and reasonable working conditions.
Alliance nationale de l'industrie musicaleAs spokeman of the music industry in the Francophone and Acadian communities, the National Alliance of the Music Industry (ANIM) represents its members in public and para-public forums and offers information, publication, promotion and development services.
Association québécoise des techniciens et des techniciennes de l'image et du sonThe Alliance québécoise des techniciens et techniciennes de l'image et du son (AQTIS - Alliance of Image and Sound Technicians) represents some 6000 freelance professionals in more than 150 trades associated with the design, planning, set-up or creation of audiovisual productions. It represents, defends and promotes their interests in dealing with various stakeholders, provides them with a social safety net, and negotiates collective agreements that establish the working conditions to which they are entitled.
ARCAThe Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) is a Canadian organization that represents – by way of the nine artist-run centres’ associations that form its membership – over 180 artist-run centres in the visual and media arts, contemporary craft and architecture and collectives in cities and towns across the country. Artist-run centres’ associations – are the recognized non-profit geography, identity and discipline-based artist-run associations that form its federated membership.
Arts Network Ottawa believes that the Arts help build strong, vibrant communities. We are a bilingual arts-service organization working actively in the community to champion the arts in the Ottawa region – and an essential connection to opportunities and resources.
Association des théâtres francophones du CanadaOrganisme national de service aux arts, l’Association des théâtres francophones du Canada (ATFC) représente et dessert dix-sept membres ; des compagnies de théâtre professionnelles évoluant en français dans six provinces canadiennes à majorité anglophone : le Nouveau-Brunswick, l’Ontario, le Manitoba, la Saskatchewan, l’Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique. Par ricochet, l’Association soutient également les plus de sept cent cinquante artistes pigistes qui gravitent autour d’elles.
The Association Acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du N.B. (AAAPNB) is an Acadian arts service organization for professional artists. The mission of the association is to protect the rights and represent the interests of artists, and to promote the recognition of their contributions to society.
The Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) represents approximately 135 Canadian-owned and controlled book publishers from across the country. It assists Canadian-owned publishers in promoting the excellence of Canadian books, in bringing more Canadian books to more readers in Canada, and in expanding Canadian-owned publishers' domestic and international market share.
BC Alliance for Arts + CultureThe BC Alliance for Arts + Culture is a nonprofit provincial organization that works to advocate, inform, connect and serve BC's Creative Community. Our members include organizations, professional associations, not-for-profit groups, artists, and cultural workers throughout British Columbia.
The Canadian Federation of Musicians negotiates fair agreements for Canadian members, works diligently to protect ownership of recorded music, secure benefits such as health care and pension for our membership, and actively lobby legislators on Copyright reform and other matters of interest to professional musicians living and working in Canada.
The Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology (CITT) is a national arts service organisation that actively promotes the professional development of its members and works for the betterment of the Canadian live performance community.
The Canadian Music Publishers Association is a membership-based organization, founded in 1949, that ensures the views of music publishers working in Canada are heard. It is our mission to create business opportunities for our members and to promote their interests and those of their song writing partners through advocacy, communication, and education.
Ontario PresentsOntario Presents is a member-based, not-for-profit arts service organization that works to support the arts presenting sector in Ontario.
Compétence Culture is the organisation that gathers associations and groups from the cultural sector in Québec whose mission is to contribute to the elaboration and the implementation of strategies dedicated to the recognition of professionalism and the development of human resources in the sector.
Culture Côte NordCulture Côte Nord a pour mission de promouvoir et développer l’unicité culturelle nord-côtière en ralliant les passionné.e.s qui œuvrent à sa vitalité.
Directors Guild of CanadaThe Directors Guild of Canada (DGC) is a national labour organization that represents over 5,500 key creative and logistical personnel in the screen-based industry covering all areas of direction, design, production and editing. The DGC negotiates and administers collective agreements and lobbies extensively on issues of concern for members including Canadian content conditions, CRTC regulations and ensuring that funding is maintained for Canadian film & television programming.
Editors CanadaThe Editors Canada is a not-for-profit organization that promotes professional editing as key in producing effective communication.
Edmonton Arts CouncilThe Edmonton Arts Council is a not-for-profit organization that supports and promotes the arts community in Edmonton.
English-Language Arts NetworkThe English-Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a not-for-profit organization that connects, supports, and creates opportunities for Quebec’s English-speaking artists and arts communities.
FACTOR is dedicated to providing assistance toward the growth and development of the Canadian independent recording industry. The foundation administers contributions from sponsoring radio broadcasters as well as two components of the Department of Canadian Heritage's Canada Music Fund to support the Canadian music industry.
The Fédération culturelle canadienne-française (FCCF) is a not-for-profit organisation, based in Ottawa, whose mission is to promote the artistic and cultural expression of francophone and Acadian communities.
The FrancoMusik Alberta Association is involved in the development of collaborative artistic projects, involving professional francophone artists from Alberta and various community groups, such as seniors, young people, newcomers, etc., in order to contribute to the dynamism and development of the Alberta Francophonie.
Independent Media Arts Alliance

The Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) is a member-driven non-profit national organization working to advance and strengthen the media arts community in Canada. Representing over 100 independent film, video, audio, and new media production, distribution, and exhibition organizations in all parts of the country, the IMAA serves over 16,000 independent media artists and cultural workers.


MMF Canada is the collective voice for Canadian music managers and self-managed artists. A non-profit trade association, one of many such associations around the world, MMF Canada offers education, networking and advocacy on behalf of their members, their members' artists, and the wider Canadian music community.
On Screen ManitobaOn Screen Manitoba leads, builds and represents the media production industry in Manitoba, Canada.
Orchestras CanadaOrchestras Canada is the national association for Canadian orchestras. We offer workshops, conferences, and on-line exchange to connect orchestras across the country. Through research and analysis, we quantify and contextualize orchestras’ many contributions to their communities. We are an effective and persistent advocate for orchestras on the national level. We curate and share the most current resources on orchestras, management, and leadership. We host the Inventory of Orchestra Music Libraries, and we host an active on-line job board, to ensure that busy people have easy access to the knowledge they need throughout their careers.
Regroupement artistique francophone de l’AlbertaThe Regroupement artistique francophone de l’Alberta (RAFA) is a provincial arts service organization and the offi cial voice of Alberta’s francophone arts and culture community. Its mission is to bring together French-speaking artists and arts and culture organizations to ensure the development and vitality of all forms of artistic expression in Alberta.
RIDEAURIDEAU is a national association of presenters. Rideau’s mission is to structure, document and promote the presentation of live performing arts.
SaskCulture Inc. is a community-based, volunteer-driven organization, which works with its membership and other community partners to build a culturally vibrant province, where all citizens celebrate, value and participate in a rich, cultural life.
Société des musées du QuébecLa Société des musées du Québec (SMQ_ est un organisme à but non lucratif qui regroupe et représente quelque 300 institutions muséales (musées, centres d’exposition et lieux d’interprétation) et 600 membres individuels répartis dans toutes les régions du Québec.
Theatre AlbertaTheatre Alberta is dedicated to the growth and development of the Alberta theatre community. We are committed to achieving this mandate by providing responsive and quality programs, services, and advocacy that serve and unite the professional, amateur, and educational theatre constituencies in Alberta.