Cultural Human Resources Council
In this issue!
CHRC marked its 25th anniversary at its Annual General Meeting in Toronto in June. The membership approved the Nominating Committee’s slate for the Board of Directors, which included new member Zainub Verjee, ED of the Ontario Association of Art Galleries, in the position of Visual Arts and Crafts. She replaces Liz Edwards, former ED of the Art Dealers Association of Canada. The Board was proud to announce CHRC’s new website design, the work of Kenji Toyooka of Toyooka Art and Design, to carry the council forward into its next 25 years! And other Board news…CHRC long time Board member Barbara Nepinak and her husband Clarence honoured with the Order of Manitoba!
After almost 2 decades at the helm, Susan Annis has announced that she will be retiring from her role as CHRC’s Executive Director in June. A job ad to fill her position has been posted on From her position as Associate Director of the Canadian Conference of the Arts, Susan helped to launch the Cultural Human Resources Council under the federal government sector council programme in 1994. She was hired on as ED in 2002 and has overseen the council’s growth and activities since then.
Among the highlights of those years, Susan counts major studies like the 2010 HR Trends and Issues and LMI Study – the first macro look at the cultural labour force – and Culture 3.0 which situated the cultural sector in the fast evolving digital landscape. She’s also proud of the two classic CHRC publications: The Art of Managing Your Career and the HR Management Toolkit. But perhaps the most engaging and satisfying file she has had at CHRC is the Respectful Workplaces in the Arts project that is in full swing. A statement of the values of respect and dignity that rings across the sector.
The search is on for a new ED….
At their final meeting in Toronto in June, the members of the Steering Committee and broader Advisory Committee of the Labour Market Information Study of the Cultural Labour Force met with the Conference Board of Canada to review their quantitative and qualitative findings, going into the study’s home stretch. The report reminds us: “Insights into the operation and performance of Canada’s cultural labour market are important for a number of reasons:
Key recommendations emerged from the review and discussion. Over the months of July and August the consultants will refine these. The LMI Study of the Cultural Labour Force will be released in September in conjunction with a series of “communications rollouts” across the country.
Under the Respectful Workplaces in the Arts banner, CHRC has, with generous funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage, developed a cohort of trainers to deliver workshops on Maintaining Respectful Workplaces. These selected trainers have received intensive training from HR experts on how to develop and deliver the workshops, drawing on the tools and resources created and collected at The workshops are 3 hours in length and adapted to the audience, whether they be employers, workers, artists or a mixed group of 12 – 24 participants. Gathering sister organisations or members or clients for a workshop is strongly encouraged. As explained in a recent press release: “If you are interested in hosting one of these workshops please contact Lucie D’Aoust at We are beginning to build up a schedule that will extend from September 2019 to March 2020. For this first pilot year, a limited number of trainers’ fees is being generously covered by the Department of Canadian Heritage.” The interest in these workshops is very strong.
With generous funding from the Canada Council’s Digital Strategy Fund, CHRC and Interactive Ontario have launched Arts Futures 2. Building on the learnings of our joint Arts Futures project last fall - a series of 11 workshops designed to provide artists/arts organizations with opportunities to build their digital skills - Arts Futures 2 will do a deep dive into the series’ most popular topic: immersive storytelling. 15 Participants from across Canada will be chosen to spend 5 days in Toronto this fall, undertaking an intensive program of hands-on workshops on virtual and augmented reality production and distribution. Recognizing the keen and growing interest in immersive technologies as storytelling platforms, but also the intimidation factor in getting started as they are constantly evolving, this workshop will help creators to gain a baseline familiarity to allow them to explore their potential. A call for interested participants will be issued later in the summer.
Making diversity count Digital professional and part of cultural diversity? Join our network! MASSIVart is looking for artists, creators and professionals working in the digital sector. We are currently developing a directory to support more inclusive organizational practices and cultural diversity. This directory aims to provide a platform for professionals of the digital sector from visible minorities* through which they can be contacted for potential projects and job offers that match their expertise. Therefore, we are launching a public campaign in cultural communities and digital networks to gather profiles interested in joining this directory. To do so, interested people are invited to complete the online form at the following address: Targeted digital sectors: Interactive media, Digital arts, Video games, Photographs, Visual arts, Design, Music, Podcasting, Sound recording, Animation, Film, Television Targeted professions: Creative director, Art director, Designer, Illustrator, Motion designer, User experience design (UX), Creative technologist, Computer Programming, Photographer, Podcast, Sound designer, Musical composition (for interactive experiences), Research, Copywriting & Edition *Visible minorities are defined based on the Employment Equity Act definition as persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour and include Chinese, South Asian, Black, Filipino, Latin American, Southeast Asian, Arab, West Asian, Japanese, Korean, other visible minorities and multiple visible minorities. (Source: Statistics Canada)
On June 13, 2019, Statistics Canada published the second data release on the Trade of Culture and Sport Products (TCSP), for the period of 2010 to 2017. The TCSP is a product of the Culture Satellite Account (CSA), which is an accounting framework developed by Statistics Canada to measure the economic importance of culture, the arts, heritage, and sport to the Canadian economy. Key highlights on culture exports
For more details on the new TCSP, we invite you to visit the TCSP pages on Statistics Canada websites: The Daily TCSP Methodology
Current Job Postings
CHRC members receive a 25% discount on job postings!
Executive Director: Susan Annis Project Managers: Lucie D'Aoust (Respectful Workplaces in the Arts and YCW) Finance Officer: Erma Barnett Webmaster: Michael Lechasseur A list of Board members can be found on CHRC's web site. |
Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) |