Welcome to the CHRC Newsletter November 2023 | 

Hello CRHC readership, We hope that your fall went well and that you are heading towards a nice winter, the Holidays and the New Year are just around the corner! CHRC has been busy running around the country delivering in-person presentations and meeting with interns, employers, partners and collaborators. If you haven’t caught all of the trips, follow us on social media, you’ll know when we’re heading your way! We have some new team members that I’d like to introduce... Administrators Nicola Schneider and Marwa Alibakhiet are giving us a hand with the Student Work Placement program and Birane Wane is our new Communications Officer. Welcome to all three of you! In this newsletter: we still have funds available for the Student Work Placement program, the Young Canada Works is for applications, we are launching our new IDEA roundtables, we’re still delivering The Art of Managing Your Career presentations. Be on the lookout for another announcement as we’re setting the schedule to launch a series of Respectful Workplaces presentations in 2024. We suggest you renew your membership earlier than later to best benefit from this upcoming offer… Kind regards, Grégoire Grégoire Gagnon, D. Mus., MPA & MBA Executive Director, CHRC CHRC continues roundtable discussions on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility (IDEA). We are pleased to inform you that we’ll be holding our first meeting this week on Friday December 1st, 2023, 1pm EST. This discussion group: - Is free of cost;
- Open to all;
- Has no particular administrative structure; and,
- Has open-ended agendas.
You will find attached the logical framework that describes the intents and purposes of these tables. You will also find below the Zoom link to access the meeting to “drop-in”. We wish to convene these discussion groups every 2 or 3 months. We do appreciate knowing ahead of time who wishes to attend, to that end, please email birane.wane@culturalhrc.ca to let us know and we’ll send you a calendar invitation. Feel free to submit questions or Agenda items ahead of the meeting (via the same address), we’ll add them as they get sent to us. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83146681296?pwd=UmtROS9Wajl4NlpHNWMzWkVKN1Vndz09 Meeting ID: 831 4668 1296 Passcode: 196919 Proposed Agenda 13:00 | | Word of welcome Land recognition CHRC introductions | 13:05 | | Discussion group purpose/review of Logical Framework | 13:10 | | Participant introductions/icebreaker + “What would you like to talk about?” | 13:20 | | Discussion | 13:45 | | Wrap-up | 13:50 | | Adjournment |
NB, the French language discussion will happen at 14:00 on the same day (same Agenda, same Zoom link). You are welcome to participate in one, the other, or both tables. |
It has been a mighty year for internships! The Student Work Placement (SWP) program still has available funds for the 2023-2024 year. The intake is still ongoing and cultural sector employers (for-profit and non-profit) may submit an application using this link. For any assistance throughout the application process, or to attend one of our weekly information sessions, please feel free to reach out to kevin.gorchakov@culturalhrc.ca and/or marwa.alibakhiet@culturalhrc.ca. With over $1.3M in committed funds, we are pleased to say that the program is following its course. Young Canada Works Since November 15th, non-profit organizations in the cultural sector can submit their applications for funding under the Young Canada Works (YCW) program, for 2024-2025. The deadline is January 19, 2024. For more information, click here. To apply for a wage subsidy, click here. And if have any questions, please contact honorine.muhirwa@culturalhrc.ca |
The Art of Managing your Career – TAMYC The Art of Managing your Career program is still rolling throughout the nation. Recent stops include Montreal, Quebec, Winnipeg and Edmonton. Stops in Alberta, British Columbia and New Brunswick are in the works for the next few months. Contact birane.wane@culturalhrc.ca if your college/university wants to host a presentation. During each one of these trips, we connect with our YCW and SWP employers and student interns and many of our member organizations. Follow us on social media or let us know if you’d like a visit to discuss any one of our programs. |
A celebrated Board Member… |
The Winnipeg Tourism Awards of Distinction allow Winnipeg’s tourism industry to recognize those people, places, organizations, and events that have gone above and beyond to offer a superior tourism experience to travelers in Winnipeg. This year, the award was attributed to Barbra and Clarence Nepinak who have devoted themselves to the cause. This link leads to a touching testimonial video on the Winnipeg Tourism Award. Oh, and let’s not forget…Barbara Nepinak is also a recipient of a recent UNESCO award. On behalf of everyone at CHRC, congratulations Barb! We are proud and humbled to have you among us. |
Listings from CultureWorks.ca |
CHRC's team at your service! |
Executive Director Grégoire Gagnon
Sr. Administrator Honorine Muhirwa
Administrative Officer Marwa Alibakhiet
Administrative Officer Kevin Gorchakov
Administrative Officer Nicola Schneider
Communications Officer Birane Wane
Webmaster Michael Lechasseur A list of Board members can be found on CHRC's web site. Featured Organisation Plus Member Interactive Ontario is dedicated to the economic and creative growth of the Interactive Digital Media (IDM) industry in Ontario. Through a variety of initiatives we work to serve and support the members of our community.